Greetings to all... here the Dayspring Ministry Group
is stating our understanding concerning God's
call to men and to women. The DMG teaches that the scripture states that what Paul
was sharing was information
for Husbands and Wives... If you are interested in further comments please send us an email
to aactonline@yahoo.com. We welcome your response to our interpretation of scripture.
We teach that women are called equally as are men

Click on the links below for your blank forms... When
you get to the web page you may print out the form
Application for Ministerial Credentials
Church and Ministry Charter Application
Reference Form
Records Check
The Evangelical Christian Church only accepts ministerial
credentials from respected, recognized organizations or denominations for transfer, and credentials purchased from mail
order firms will not be accepted. A Bachelor's degree is required for ordination. One may have a modification
here if approved by the Board of Elders. You MUST have three references and a background report. There will
be an interview with one of the Board of Elders. After all qualifications are met you will be ordained by one of our
Bishops or a Regional Superintendent.
The Dayspring Ministry Group
Order of Ministry
Dayspring Ministries International

Constitution and Bylaws

Presented as the
Provisional Constitution and Bylaws
The Dayspring Ministry Group
(The General Assembly Dayspring Gathering)
Presented to the Archbishop Primus
And the Bishops Consistory
January 5, 2018
Solemnity of the Holy Trinity
Brookhaven, Mississippi and Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
This Constitution and Bylaws supersedes all preceding Constitution and Bylaws of
DMI the AECC and the ECC
FINAL EDIT 2.03.2018C

The Dayspring Ministry Group
Previously Dayspring Ministries International
Founded January 1, 1979
Reorganized November 15, 2002
Constitution and Bylaws
Updated January 5, 2018
Dayspring Ministry Group acknowledges as its Sole Head, Jesus Christ, Son of God and Savior. It looks to the Written Word
of God in the Holy Scriptures and to the presence, power, and energy of the Holy Spirit to prosper its creative and redemptive
work in the world. In accordance with the teaching of our Lord and the practice among evangelical Christians, it recognizes
two sacraments: Baptism and the Lords Supper. The provisions, herein, define and regulate DMG and those ministries describing
the free and voluntary relationships which the Local Churches, Regions, and Ministers sustain with DMG and with one another.
1. The purpose of this Constitution and Bylaws is to declare our Faith, Function, Purpose and Organizational Structure. Dayspring
Ministries International was founded January 1, 1979 and reorganized November 15, 2002 in order to restore New Testament Christianity
and, thereby, renew our allegiance to Christ our Lord to make more effective our coming witness in Him, hereby, adopts this
Constitution and Bylaws, February 28, 2018.
2. We declare and establish this Constitution and these Bylaws to preserve and perpetuate the principles of our common
Christian faith and to govern this body in an orderly and Christian manner. These Bylaws will seek to preserve the autonomy
and liberties of each individual province and the freedom of action of this communion, to accomplish its God-given purpose.
3. Through this document, we "Reclaim the faith once delivered," offering an identity and spiritual home for
evangelical churches, ministries, its ministers, and pastors.
4. Our mission is to provide a home for evangelical Christians. Many churches have deviated from Biblical truths about
God, Jesus and the Bible: the gender of God is debated; the divinity of Jesus is questioned; and the authority of the Bible
is challenged.
5. The Dayspring Ministry Group provides administrative and spiritual leadership for the Church through the order of Bishops
with a Presiding Patriarch, who is the Archbishop Primus and President. Organizational checks and balances are made through
selected persons in the House of Bishops. There are Provincial Archbishops over the Province and Diocesan Bishops over the
1. We engage, by the aid of the Holy Spirit, to walk together in Christian love, to strive for the advancement of Dayspring
Ministries International in knowledge, holiness, and comfort; to promote its spirituality and prosperity; to sustain its worship
ordinances disciplines, and doctrines; to give the Church sacred preeminence over all institutions of human origin; to contribute
cheerfully and regularly to the support of its ministry and mission; and to spread the Gospel throughout all nations.
2. We further engage to abstain from a lifestyle that is contrary to the Word of God. We engage to abstain from unlawful
actions, illegal activity, and ungodly behaviors while seeking to walk in the Spirit and not in the works of the flesh (Galatians
5:19-21). We will not, in any way, bring reproach upon DMI, ECC, or the Church of Jesus Christ, its leadership or membership.
3. Moreover, we are in pursuit of religiously educating and equipping believers to serve and be zealous in their efforts
to promote and advance the Kingdom of God, the Mission of DMI, ECC and its counterparts; and to carry out the spirit of this
covenant to the glory and honor of God.
We believe...
...there is one God eternally existing and manifesting Himself to us in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
...Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He is our Lord and Savior.
...the Holy Spirit is a divine person, sent to indwell, guide, teach, and empower the believer and convince the world
of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment.
...the Old and New Testaments, inerrant as originally given, were inspired by God and are sufficient for faith and practice.
...Where the Scriptures speak, we speak; where the Scriptures are silent, we are silent.
...the church consists of all those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, are redeemed through His blood, and are born
again of the Holy Spirit.
...the local church is a body of believers in Christ who are joined together for the worship of God, for prayer, for fellowship,
the proclamation of the gospel, and the observance of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
1. We shall be known as The Dayspring Ministry Group, herein, referred to as DMG; previously Dayspring Ministries International
(DMI). The Association was founded January 1, 1979 and reorganized November, 15, 2002, in Granbury, Texas as a non-profit,
non-stock fellowship. The organization will be known as The Dayspring Gathering of the Dayspring Ministry Group.
2. The DMG is the umbrella organization for:
The Evangelical Christian Church, The Association of Evangelical Clergy, The Apostolic Episcopal Communion (& Fellowship),
The American Association of Christian Therapists, International College of Christian Therapy, and any other organization that
may, in the future, be brought into the fellowship.
Dayspring Ministries International may, at the discretion of the Archbishop Primus, the Patriarch and President, in consultation
with the House of Bishops, choose to affiliate with any other Evangelical Organizations.
The Dayspring Ministry Group is composed of Local Churches, Ministries, Regions or Dioceses, and Provinces.
1. Qualifications for membership. Membership in the Dayspring Ministry Group (DMG) shall consist of persons who meet the education,
experience, behavior and moral characteristics required by their accepting Bishops and who are in agreement with the Statement
of Faith and who will abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of The Dayspring Ministry Group.
2. The Dayspring Ministry Group shall have three Orders of the Clergy: Bishops (who may be appointed as an Archbishop)
who shall have a special responsibility and authority for preservation of the truth of Church doctrine, the purity of its
life, and the worthiness of its worship; The Clergy, who in co-operation with and under the guidance of the Bishops have
a special responsibility for preaching the word of God and administering the Lord’s Supper (Holy Sacraments) and
the general care of souls; and The Deacons, who have a special responsibility for the care of the poor and distressed, instruction
of the young and those without proper knowledge, and for assisting the Clergy in Divine Worship and service.
1. Ordination as an ECC (Evangelical Christian Church) and AECF (Apostolic Episcopal Communion & Fellowship) the AECC
(the Association of Evangelical Community Churches) minister is available to all men and women called by God to the Gospel
ministry and who accept the DMG Statement of Faith. It is recommended that Candidates for ordination should have at least
a Bachelor's degree in Christian Ministry, Theology, Bible or other related field and are encouraged to obtain a Masters Degree
in a theologically-related field.
2. If the applicant has been engaged in ministry many years, experience may take the place of an acquired degree. Nonetheless,
all candidates for Ordination must also complete one course ("Religion and the Law") through Dayspring Christian
3. Ministers from other evangelical bodies may be received by transfer upon acceptance of the DMG Statement of Faith and
resignation of any prior denominational ordination. Permission to hold dual ordination will be considered upon written request
of waiver to the Archbishop Primus by a candidate. Candidates not holding prior credentials must be ordained in a ceremony
by the "laying-on of hands." Provincial Archbishops, Diaconal Bishops and some Pastors may assist with this ceremony.
4. Ordination is the rite, whereby, Dayspring Ministries Group recognizes and authorizes one to perform the duties of
ministry as is customary in Christian churches. All ordinations are approved by the Provincial Bishop and credentials issued
by the Office of the Archbishop Primus. Ordination may consist of the laying-on of hands in a local ceremony assisted by Diaconal
Bishops or transfer of credentials from other evangelical bodies. Ministers of The DMG do not hold membership in the Local
Church. Their membership is in the National Body. A Minister of the Dayspring Ministry Group may hold credentials in other
bodies with the approval of the Archbishop Primus.
Provincial Archbishops of the DMG shall be elected by the Archbishop Primus in consensus with the Consistory of Bishops (a
group appointed by the Archbishop Primus).
Every Diocesan and Suffragant Bishop of the DMG shall be elected by the Provincial Archbishop in a form consistent with
the procedures laid in the Regulations made under this Constitution. Such election should be notified to the Primus and the
Consistory of Bishops. A Bishop for any Diocese may be elected from among the Bishops or Clergy of any Province or Diocese
of the Dayspring Ministry Group or of any other Diocese in communion with the DMG. The tenure of office of a Bishop or a Provincial
Archbishop shall be determined by the legislative and administrative organs of the DMG.
1. The Dayspring Ministry Group is composed of provinces, dioceses, parishes or churches, orders and ministries. Provinces
are directed by Archbishops, dioceses by Bishops, churches and ministries by Ministers (Clergy).
2. The legislative and administrative organs of the Dayspring Ministry Group shall be: The Archbishop Primus of the DMG.
The Consistory of Bishops which shall be the highest international organ of The Dayspring Ministry Group;
3. The Provincial Council which shall be the administrative organ of a Province. The Council leader is the Provincial
Archbishop who is autonomous and works in coordination but not under the authority of the Consistory of Bishops; and The Diocesan
Council which shall have authority over the internal affairs of the Diocese and will be under the supervision and direction
of the Provincial Bishop.
4. The Archbishop Primus and the Consistory of Bishops as hereby constituted shall be the Legislative body of The Dayspring
Ministry Group and will also serve as a consultative and advisory body to every Province, Diocese, Officer, and member thereof.
5. The Consistory of Bishops will work hand in hand with the Archbishop Primus in the day to day administration of the
Assembly. The Consistory of Bishops shall be constituted by: The Chancellor; the Vice-Chancellor, the Secretary General,
the Secretary for Development and Foundations. Five Provincial Archbishops chosen by the Archbishop Primus and the Consistory
of Bishops. The members of the Consistory will have a tenure lasting two years but may be elected to new terms as determined
by the Legislative and Administrative bodies of the Dayspring Ministry Group.
6. The government of The Dayspring Ministry Group is (generally) Episcopal. The main governing and regulatory body of
the DMG and the principal advisory body to the Archbishop Primus is the Consistory of Bishops.
7. One of the roles of the Consistory of Bishops is to insure that the statement of faith, the covenant of conduct and
the general principles of the Christian faith are adhered to. Their responsibilities include overseeing and regulating issues
related to the administrative, legislative, ministerial, evangelistic, educational, missionary, benevolent and other interests
of The Dayspring Ministry Group
The General Assembly Dayspring Gathering.
1. Although the Provinces are autonomous in their functioning, this constitution creates the General Assembly Gathering which
is a consultative body charged with the duty of making some of the decisions that may affect the Assembly as a whole. The
General Assembly will exert its function when requested by the Primus or the Consistory of Bishops. Most of the decisions
of the Assembly will be in the hands of the Primus and the Consistory of Bishops. However, in some occasions the Consistory
may need the consensus of the Provincial Archbishops and will consult them.
The General Assembly shall be composed of:
1. The Archbishop Primus, the Consistory of Bishops, the Legal Counsel, the House of Provincial Archbishops. The General
Assembly will hold meetings every year that will be presided by the Archbishop Primus or his designate. Other Bishops and
members of the Assembly may also attend these meetings if needed or desired. Charged with the day to day operation of the
Community, the Consistory of Bishops will consult the General Assembly when some decision affecting the entire Gathering must
be made. The Consistory of Bishops shall be the highest international organ of The Dayspring Ministry Group and the highest
consulting body to the Archbishop Primus.
2. A Diocesan Council may also be established, if required, within each Diocese and shall have authority over the internal
affairs of the Diocese and will be under the supervision of the Diocesan Bishop and the Provincial Archbishop.
3. The International Office shall always be located in the home office of the Archbishop Primus or in an area designated
by the Archbishop Primus. The location of the annual meeting may change at the time a new Primus is designated or elected...
Provincial Archbishops:
1. The Provincial Archbishops are Superintendents of their assigned State or Province. The duties and responsibilities of
the Provincial Archbishops are to assist, encourage, elder, support and mentor the Dioceses, Churches, Ministries, Ministers,
Priests and deacons under their care. It is the duty of the Archbishop to insure each local diocese, priest, deacon, ministry,
minister, congregation and other affiliations of The Dayspring Ministry Group adhere to the Statement of Faith, the code of
conduct and the principles of the Christian Faith.
2. The Provincial Archbishop may establish a Provincial Council which shall be the administrative organ of a Province.
The members of these Provincial Councils will be chosen by the Provincial Archbishop. The Council leader is the Provincial
Archbishop who is autonomous and works in coordination with but not under the authority of the Consistory of Bishops. Bishops,
priests, ministries, congregations and other affiliates report any problems or concerns directly to the Provincial Archbishop.
Provincial Archbishops are encouraged to resolve any problems or concerns at the state and local level before contacting the
Consistory of Bishops.
3. Each province of The Dayspring Ministry Group is autonomous and possesses all the freedom to run, operate and administer
their province as they prayerfully consider appropriate. Each province shall use the name for their churches and the ecclesiastic
rites for their service or mass which they consider adequate for their community. A considerable degree of liturgical freedom
is permitted; our churches can be either High or Low Church and worship styles range from the very simple to the elaborate
to the Pentecostal or Charismatic.
1. The head of the Gathering Assembly of the Dayspring Ministry Group shall be the Primate, Archbishop and Metropolitan of
the Dayspring Ministry Group who shall (after the death or resignation of the Founding Archbishop Primus) be elected to his
or her office by the previous Primus or, if not possible, by the Consistory of Bishops, and shall hold office under, and have
privileges, powers, authority and duties as are defined by the Constitution, Canons and Regulations made by or under the authority
of the Consistory of Bishops and shall exercise all the rights and perform all the duties of the office of a Metropolitan.
2. The Primate shall summon and preside over meetings of the Dayspring Gatherings, and is the Principal Minister of the
Dayspring Ministry Group. The Primate shall be an ex-officio member of all Committees, Boards, Commissions and Councils that
may be appointed under any provision of this Constitution or of any Canon enacted by the Consistory of Bishops.
3. During a vacancy in the Office of Primate or during the illness or other incapacity of the Primate, the Chancellor
of the Dayspring Ministry Group shall have authority to perform all the duties of the Primacy and shall be styled Acting Primate.
4. In the absence of the Primate from any meeting of the General Assembly Gathering or any Committee, Council, Board
or Commission, constituted under the Constitution or any Canon of the Assembly, unless otherwise provided, the Chancellor
of the DMG shall preside.
5. The office of the Primate (after the death or resignation of the founding Primate) may become vacant after he or she
dies; He or she has held office for twenty years from the date of his presentation or when attaining the age of eighty years,
whichever first occurs; Having given notice of his intention to resign or retire, and the Chancellor has, in consultation
with the Consistory of Bishops, accepted the resignation; or upon representation made to the Chancellor by at least two
Diocesan Bishops his appointment is terminated or he is required to retire by a resolution supported by a majority of two-thirds
of the General Assembly: Provided that he shall be given the fullest opportunity to defend himself against any charges that
may have been brought against him. In addition to his functions as Metropolitan Bishop, the Primate shall have the following
functions: To have general supervision over the whole of the Dayspring Ministry Group in accordance with the provisions of
this Constitution and the Canons of the Church; To confirm the appointment of any person duly elected a Bishop in the DMG
and to arrange for his consecration if he be not already consecrated; To preside when he is so required by Regulations
pertaining thereto at the hearing of appeals in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution concerning the trial
of Bishops, the Clergy, and the Laity and also on other occasions when the Consistory of Bishops sits as a court. To represent
the Dayspring Ministry Group in its relationship with the rest of the World and other Churches in communion with it and on
its behalf to correspond with other Metropolitans; to perform such other functions prescribed by this Constitution or as may
from time to time be entrusted to him by the General Assembly or the Consistory of Bishops.
1. The fundamental principles of The Dayspring Ministry Group are based upon the Word of God. Therefore every member is expected
to live according to its teachings and avoid and refrain from that which is destructive to the Christian life and dishonorable
to God
2. Every member is earnestly admonished to: Maintain high ethical and moral values in all their dealings, personally and
professionally. Respect one another's difference in religious beliefs, including the differences in doctrine, style and personality
of other Christians as they follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit. Only speak in edifying ways in regards to others, including
Christian ministers, ministries, and the Body of Christ at large. Treat all with whom they come into contact as they would
like to be treated. Members of the Dayspring Gathering must pledge to work alongside their brothers and sisters in the ministry
of the Church, performing their duties to the best of their abilities within the Church and for the glory of the Almighty
God and our Lord Jesus Christ. They must respect the determinations of the Provincial Archbishop, the Archbishop Primus and
the Consistory of Bishops.
3. The Dayspring Ministry Group does not provide any economic remuneration for work as a clergyperson, and members are
not employees of this Church. This does not exclude the possibility that, at some time, one of the churches of the DMG or
one of its members may make a contribution for a specific need of a ministry.
4. All members accepted or ordained as a clergyman or clergywoman of the Dayspring Ministry Group will receive the authority
to exercise their Called ministry but must know they are accountable for their actions to the ecclesiastic and civil authorities.
5. All persons ordained into The Dayspring Ministry Group are independent ministers in the daily functions of their respective
ministries, that is, neither the minister nor the DMG Assembly is or can be an agent for or of the other and each minister
is fully and individually responsible for their actions, legal, financial or contractual obligations.
6. The DMG does not assume any LEGAL responsibility for its ministers or associated Ministers.
7. All clergy are independent ministers and responsible for their own actions, including but not limited to any and all
financial and fiscal responsibilities, contracts or liabilities and the commission or omission of any action. However, each
clergy member is answerable to the DMG and does come under the Episcopal oversight of the Provincial Archbishop, the Archbishop
Primus and the Consistory of Bishops. If an investigation finds that serious violation of Christian ethics, morals and values
have indeed been committed; certain sanctions can and may be applied, up to and including removal, revocation and nullification
of the clergy member’s faculties, ordination and or consecration and a return to the state of laity. Membership
and ministerial standing in The Dayspring Ministry Group will be revoked upon proven behaviors unbecoming Christians and Ministers
1. We invite those called by God to the Gospel ministry to unite with us. Ordination as a Dayspring minister is available
to all men and women called by God to the Gospel ministry who accept the Dayspring Articles of Faith.
2. Candidates for ordination should have at least a Bachelor's degree in Christian Ministry, Theology, Bible or a related
field and are encouraged to obtain a Masters Degree in a theologically-related field. If you have not completed your Bachelors
degree please call or write for special consideration of your life experience.
3. Ministers from other evangelical bodies may be received by transfer providing they accept the Dayspring Articles of
Faith, found in the Constitution and Bylaws.
4. Candidates holding no credentials should try to meet the educational requirement and be ordained in a ceremony by the
"laying-on of hands." A Provincial Archbishop or a Diaconal Bishop (with a minister of one’s acquaintance
if invited} may assist with this ceremony by the "laying-on of hands" in a local ceremony. Ministers from other
evangelical bodies may be received by transfer, providing they accept the Dayspring Articles of Faith found in the DMG Constitution
and Bylaws
5. In an effort to assist those who feel a calling into GOD'S service, the DMG has established Dayspring Christian University
and The International College of Christian Therapy. This educational system provides the additional education needed to help
meet the requirements for Ordination by the DMG.
6. All ordinations must be approved by the Provincial Archbishop or the Consistory of Bishops and all credentials must
come from the DMG Office.
1. The Archbishop Primus and the Consistory of Bishops shall have exclusive power to approve provisions with regard to Discipline
and in particular: to prescribe and define offences for which a Bishop, Minister or Deacon or any member of the Laity of this
Church may be tried: and to determine the constitution and rules of procedure of Diocesan, Provincial and final appellate
Tribunals for the exercise of Ecclesiastical discipline and establish a final court of Appeal for the purpose.
2. Any Bishop, Minister or Deacon of a Diocese of this Church against whom a charge is brought shall be tried in accordance
with the accepted provisions of Ecclesiastical Discipline. All investigations and deliberations on these matters shall be
in charge of the Consistory of Bishops.
1. The Dayspring Ministry Group recognizes that God calls all members of the church to be ministers and witnesses to the Gospel
in their lives and in society. It also recognizes that God calls some to be apostles, prophets, missionaries, evangelists,
shepherds, overseers, pastors, and teachers, as servants to prepare His people for service to others and for the building
up of the Body of Christ.
2. Ordination by the Dayspring Ministry Group and its associated members is the rite whereby one so called is recognized
and authorized to perform those ministerial duties under the auspice of The Dayspring Ministry Group.
3. Members of other denominations wanting to join The Dayspring Ministry Group as full members may be incardinated given
the proper education, experience and the approval of the local Provincial Archbishop or the Consistory of Bishops.
1. Meetings shall be conducted under the guidelines of the Holy Scripture and Roberts Rules of Order, i.e., they will be orderly
for "God is not the Author of confusion."
1. In the event that The Dayspring Ministry Group and its executive officers and Consistory of Bishops votes to dissolve this
association, no person shall freely assume any of the assets of the association individually. The assets of this non profit
fellowship shall be sold or donated to another non profit entity, and all proceeds of such sale shall be turned over to another
non profit organization and no officer, board member or general member shall profit from or benefit from the proceeds of any
such sale, donation or merger.
© - Copyright the Dayspring Ministry Group; January 5, 2018
