Greetings to all... here the Dayspring Ministry Group
is stating our understanding concerning God's
call to men and to women. The DMG teaches that the scripture states that what Paul
was sharing was information
for Husbands and Wives... If you are interested in further comments please send us an email
to aactonline@yahoo.com. We welcome your response to our interpretation of scripture.
We teach that women are called equally as are men

Greetings to all of our ministry friends and colleagues; God is Blessing the DMG in
many ways; Because of this we have stepped out to help in some ways to encourage ministries in other countries. The first
one is a young lady and her brother ministering to children in Pakistan. We have texted them and they are friends with Archbishop
Barkman through Face book. We were very impressed with how they serve Christ through ministering to the children
Ms. Maria Gill is founder of the New Hope Ministries in Falsabad, Pakistan. Her Brother, Kashif Gill works with her in
this ministry. They live in Shah Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan. While working on the website and previously texting Sister
Maria we were very impressed with their commitment. And these are not seasoned ministers. They are ministers because of their
commitment and they have sought and received a good college education. I want you to read what she has written around her
Facebook about children and ministering to them. Think about what kind of commitment a person has to write these comments.
Because a child is poor it doesn't means he can't learn because a child lives in projects doesn't mean he can't learn.
If there are gaps, we as a society must fulfill those gaps......
When a poor child dies of hunger it has not happened because God didn't take care of the child, but it has happened because
neither you nor I wanted to give that child what he or she needed.....
Education is the most power full weapon which you can use change to the world.....
Every Child needs at least one adult who is irrationally crazy about him or her......
The most terrible Poverty is loneliness and the feeling of being unloved
The worlds hunger is getting ridiculous. There is more fruit in a rich man's shampoo then in a poor childs plate......
I love that feeling I get when I see the smiles on Children faces feeling loved.
Wealth is not to feed our egos but to feed the hungry and to help people help themselves.....
You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who cannot repay you. feeling sad.
I still don't know where all of their funds come from. Possibly you give to this very valuable ministry. Listen to her
last words we are sharing. Possibly you can respond. Your Donation helps, feed, Educate and empower the poor Children.
Submitted by Archbishop Gary Barkman, President of the Dayspring Ministry Group

Greetings to all Brothers and Sisters in the name of Jesus Christ,
Praise my Lord for taking me in his service and using me for the Glory of his beloved Son in Pakistan.
I would like to share with all of you that I was on the way of eternal death and my feet were on a very fast direction
towards hell and Satanic paths. I was a great sinner and had nothing in my life for others. I was selfish person and slave
of my own desires. I always ran away from our daily family prayer and never helped others. Always my heart made plans of evil.
One day My parents met with my teacher. My teacher asked about me and they told him about my condition. They told my teacher
that I was running from my Lord. The teacher took a solid step and said to my parents that I am taking him with me for some
days at my house. After that this was my routine: to follow my teacher daily. Wherever he went that day he took me with him.
I saw him helping others. If someones cart is struggling in mud, he would help. One day I was alone and I helped someone who
was in trouble. After helping him I had a special satisfanction in my heart, which I had not felt in my whole life. I told
my teacher and he preached me from the story of good Samaritan. This had a great influence on me and I started reading the
Holy Bible and came to know Jesus. I accepted Jesus in 2012 as my Savior and left my all evils and thought to devote my whole
life for spreading the Gospel of Christ. I wish that all of you who read my testimony will keep the way of helping others
that this will become a way to lead people toward kingdom of my Lord.
Welcome Gospel Bridge International Pakistan!
Gospel Bridge International Pakistan is an indigenous evangelical Church ministry established by Evangelist Waqar in
2012 at Punjab, Faisalabad by His divine order, with a vision to win, build, train and send indigenous nationals to plant
Churches where no Church exits in Pakistan. Since then he started to work as an evangelist to win lost souls for Christ from
the ground level. He has three fold Christ led teaching, preaching and healing ministry which has touched and impacted the
lives of many people among different faith groups in Pakistan and abroad. The Lord has raised many pastors and evangelists
through this ministry.
Will you partner with us in this great ministry to reach the un-reached in Pakistan? Please pray for us in the following
1.God's presence and guidance
2.Financial and material resources
3.Guest speakers and delegates (YOU)
5.Arrangements for facilities
6.Intercessors and prayer warriors
7.Safe travel for the participants
"The He (Jesus) said to them, 'The harvest is indeed plentiful,
but the laborers are few. Pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest,that He may send out laborers into His harvest.'"
(Luke 10:2)
Services are held in the main Church:
Sunday Morning services are at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM.
Wednesday night service is 7:00 PM.
Every day we going home visits .
