Greetings to all... here the Dayspring Ministry Group
is stating our understanding concerning God's
call to men and to women. The DMG teaches that
the scripture states that what Paul was sharing
was information for Husbands
and Wives... If you are interested in further comments please send us an email
to aactonline@yahoo.com. We welcome your response to our interpretation of scripture.
We teach that women are called equally as are men

Barkman continues to work with a variety of Ministries. Now he brings home to DMI and the ECC a creation so that any
ministry or church can have a motorcycle ministry. You are invited to open a chapter of the Dayspring Motorcycle
Ministry. (For motorcycle & scooter riders)
If you have questions please call or write an email
to the AACT or DMI Headquarters. If you wish to speak to Dr. Barkman or Rev Carol Gunther call or email. If
you are in the Mississippi or any other area and interested in beginning a Motorcycle for Dayspring Motorcycle
Ministry please call or email...

++++++++++ >>>>>>>

Greetings in the Lord's Name. It is with great pleasure
that we announce a new branch of the Dayspring Riders
Motorcycle Ministry. It is located in Phoenix Arizona. Carol is the chapter President in Arizona. The Motorcycle
ministry is part of the Dayspring Ministry Group which has headquarters in Mississippi with secondary headquarters in Florida
and New Jersey.
In the Pictures we see Carol on a bike, and the Dayspring
Rider Patch on her jacket. The Bikes are part of a recent biker celebrationl. Remember if you wish to be a part
of the Dayspring riders Biker Ministry ... just call or email. The phone numbers to call are on our contact page...
or you may write to the Dayspring Ministry Group or Carol at AACTonline@yahoo.com.

Dayspring Motorcycle Ministry
By-Laws & Rules of Conduct
This organization shall be known as "DAYSPRING MOTORCYCLE MINISTRY." (An organization for
those who ride motorcycles and scooters)
Statement of Faith:
The Bible is
the inspired and infallible Word of God
Salvation comes
only through the Blood of Jesus Christ
We believe and
teach divine healing, through faith in Christ Jesus
We believe and
teach Sanctification through the Word of God, by the Holy Spirit
We encourage
all members / persons, to the best of their ability, live a lifestyle above reproach
We believe and
teach reaching out to all who are lost, without Jesus Christ. Matthew 28.19-20.
It is the mission of Dayspring to provide a basic ministry. Our
standard shall always be in quality, not quantity! Dayspring MM shall be a service
or mission oriented ministry focused on providing ministry to and for persons who ride motorcucles and scooters.
This Ministry does not direct its mission based on a set of Constitution and Bylaws, rather it
exists on the GOD given laws in the Holy Scriptures. There are very few rules in this Ministry for the Born Again Christian
members. Being Born Again means we will be a Soul Winner for Christ and true Christians want to please the Lord and
live by His Word. We abstain from drugs, and alcohol. We want to be an example and a witness.
We Serve God: DMIMM is a ministry that
serves the God of the Holy Bible, the only God, the Creator of the universe, the Savior and Redeemer of humankind. We serve no other purpose, person, philosophy, thing, government or power.
Our dedication is solely directed to our Lord; Jesus Christ.
We Ride Motorcycles and Scooters: DMIMM
is a ministry that uses the motorcycle as a media to reach out to others. Motorcycling
is the integral part of our physical lives which brings us to those we are called upon to minister to, and indeed is the thing
that opens the door between our calling and the rest of the world. We support
motorcycling in its many forms, the culture, which has developed around it, and the riders who are out on the road.
We Support Our Government: While DMIMM
is not politically oriented or affiliated; we do acknowledge our allegiance to our country.
We encourage participation in government and civic duty, prayer and support for our leaders. DMIMM will not encourage any actions, which are contrary to the laws of government, except where those
laws are in direct opposition to the laws of God.
We Support Our Families: DMIMM is a
ministry which supports the God ordained structure which is the basic family unit. We
firmly acknowledge that the priority for our lives must first include our spouse and children and that they are our primary
ministry. DMIMM will not support any cause or movement, which works to destroy
the Biblically, based family unit that is marriage between a man & woman. We
also strongly support the principle that children need as much time with loving parents as possible in order to grow up as
Godly citizens. This statement in no way is to detract from the acknowledgment
of those special gifted individuals who are able to remain single and serve God fully in this manner.
We Support The Church: DMIMM supports
the local, historic, Christian church. We strongly encourage every member and
those we minister to in church membership and continued participation. Nationally,
internationally and at each chapter level, DMIMM will operate in such a way as to be accountable to a local church for our
behavior and conduct. In this way, DMIMM is not an independent organization or
ministry. Internationally, DMIMM is a ministry of and is accountable to our Churches.
We Support Other Motorcycle Ministries: DMIMM
supports all other valid Christian motorcycle ministries and their efforts in bringing the lost into the kingdom. DMIMM will not act in any way, which obstructs, injures or damages the testimony or work of any other motorcycle
ministry. We are on the same side. This
is not to say that we necessarily agree with every other ministry or support their activities.
The Word of God must test these things.
Dayspring Motorcucle Ministry chapters shall not be comprised of less than seven members. The maximum number of members
in any given chapter will be up to each chapter president. Each chapter will have 3 elected officers and 3 appointed officers.
All 6 will serve on their Board of Directors.
Appointed President
Road Captain Vice President
Sergeant of Arms Secretary/Treasury Chaplain
Each Dayspring
MM chapter will operate as an autonomous body. Different locales and community needs will dictate the services DMIMMs will
need to perform. There is no mandatory mission set out for each Son Worshiper chapter. Emphasis, however, should be placed
if at all possible to: A. Encourage members in their local church and the churches in their community
to be more active and more responsible in meeting the physical and spiritual needs of those in their community. B. Mobilize
Christian businessmen and professional leaders to use their profession to encourage members of their profession to be a part
of Dayspring MM activities by participation and with financial contributions. C. Establish Dayspring
Motorcycle Ministry Leadership Councils in each of their chapter members’ churches. The youth of today are the
future leaders of tomorrow and they need to know about the “other side” of life.
can also be members of a Dayspring Motorcycle Ministry chapter and fly our colors.
All Dayspring
MM members should be bold witnesses for Jesus Christ. They must wear their colors proudly and be willing to testify boldly,
pass out tracts and other evangelist material and tell, without compromise, the wonderful story of Christ’s love. Dayspring Motorcycle Ministry Memers should never embarrass Jesus Christ.
3) Membership Requirements A) Profess
Jesus Christ as Lord and personal savior. (Be born again) B) Have
a desire to minister to the motorcycle community. C) Lead
a lifestyle that brings glory to God. D) Sign the ownership
of colors agreement.

Ownership of Colors All Dayspring Motorcycle Ministry back patches (colors) are the property of Dayspring
Ministries International Motorcycle Ministry and will be returned promptly to the Chapter Secretary when a member leaves
the Ministry.
Placement of DMIMM Colors The back patch of the Dayspring Motorcycle Ministry
shall be worn on the back of a black leather vest or t-shirt or jean vest. It will be the only patch on the back of the vest.
From the side seams forward, members may decorate the remaining space as desired. A chapter may choose the style of
logo from those offered by DMIMM or a style of their own choosing. All that is required is that the logo contain A sword
with a dove or flame (and also a flame or dove some other place on the logo); The name, "Dayspring Riders" and "Motorcycle
Ministry" together or separate but both on the back patch, The scripture reference, and a Bible.
Commitments to Outside Organizations Before a commitment is made by DMIMM to an outside organization,
promoter, show, etc, a vote of the membership is to be taken to determine if there is enough interest in the membership to
guarantee a good turnout at the event. Any member, who votes yes, is in effect committing himself or herself to attend that
event and will be expected to be at the event with the exception of a true emergency. Any member voting no, is in effect,
saying they cannot attend the event and will not be required to attend. If 75% of the membership votes yes, the event will
be added to the DMIMM calendar and members who voted yes will be required to attend. All members voting no will be asked to
attend if at all possible. If less than 75% of the membership vote’s yes, then the event will not be added to the calendar
and attendance will be at the discretion of individual members. This vote will
only be necessary if DMIMM is making a commitment as a group to an outside organization and is not necessary to decide to
attend an event where a commitment has not been made as a group.
Meeting Minutes
Ministry shall keep at its principal place of Organization, or other authorized location, a book of minutes of all meetings
of its Board of Directors, with the time and place of holding, whether regular
or special, and, if special, how authorized; the notice of meeting given; the name of those present at Directors' meetings;
and the proceedings of the meetings.
Financial Records
Corporation shall keep and maintain at its principal place of business, or other authorized location, adequate and correct
accounts of its properties and business transactions, including accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements,
gains, and losses.
Right of Inspection
member shall have the absolute right at any reasonable time to inspect all books, records, documents of every kind, and the
physical properties of the Corporation. Inspection by a member may be made in person or by agent or attorney, and the right
of inspection includes the right to make copies or extracts.
Rescission of a Charter
authority to rescind a charter of the Corporation lies solely with the Board of Directors. A charter may be rescinded for
failure to continue following the Statements of Faith, Rules of Membership, and Guidelines as stated in these by-laws. Rescission
of a charter will be the last option to the Board of directors and will occur by a majority vote of the Board of Directors
after the Board of Directors hears arguments from all parties involved.
Amendments These By-laws may be amended or changed at any time by a 4/5 vote of the membership
A friend gives a ride on his Harley to Nastya, Dr. |

Barkman's exchange Student. Hayden, Dr. Barkman's Son stands close by... |
Dr. Barkman's first bike... A Scooter |



Dr. Barkman and his Ukrainian Daughter ride |

together on his yellow scooter... call or write if you want to work in the Motorcycle Ministry |
Dr. Barkman coming around so that Ms Dwana |

can get a good shot of the latest ride... We have here a Suzuki Bergmann 650 cc .. tops out at 120 |
You can have a chapter of Dayspring Motorcycle
Fill out the form above or email and/or call
Gary Barkman, Acting President
Choose you back patch from the logos listed
here or submit one for approval based on the bylaws discription
