Greetings to all... here the Dayspring Ministry Group
is stating our understanding concerning
God's call to men and to women. The DMG teaches that the scripture states that what
Paul was sharing was information
for Husbands and Wives... If you are interested in further comments please send us an email
to aactonline@yahoo.com. We welcome your response to our interpretation of scripture.
We teach that women are called equally as are men
Consistory of Bishops

The Most Reverend Gary W. Barkman, Ph.D., D.C.C., Th.D., President and Archbishop Primus of the Dayspring Ministry Group,
which includes; Several attached and independent Ministries including Dayspring Ministries International; President, The
American Association of Christian Therapists; President, Dayspring Christian University; President, Dayspring International
Leadership Network; Captain, Dayspring Chaplains; President, Association of Evangelical Clergy
Dr. Barkman has been involved in many areas of ministry. He has been
a pastor, Church Starter, Pastoral Counselor for over 50 years and has become very accomplished as a counselor/therapist.
Dr. Barkman has also organized three churches as pastor. He has founded and organized Dayspring Ministries International,
the Apostolic Episcopal Communion & Fellowship and Dayspring Christian University. He has better organized and caused
growth in the Evangelical Christian Church Worldwide (Christian Disciples) and The American Association of Christian Therapists.
Dr. Barkman is president of AACT, President of Dayspring Ministries International, the Evangelical Christian Church and The
Apostolic Episcopal Communion & Fellowship. He is President of Dayspring Christian University. Dr. Barkman has exceptional
administrative abilities and is able to multi-task very well. He has excelled in all that he has attempted.
Doctor of Divinity in Christian Education, Honorus Causa St. Timothy Institute and Seminary, Indianapolis, Indiana, January
2012 + Doctor of Philosophy in Theology, Crossroads Theological Seminary, Tallahasse, Florida, December 2008 + Doctor of Philosophy
in Biblical Studies Bethel Bible College and Seminary, Jonesboro, Arkansas, December 2001 + Doctor Of Christian Counseling,
Southwest Bible College & Seminary, Jennings, Louisiana, December 1998; + Perkins School of Theology, S.M.U., Dallas,
Texas June 1986 to May 1989 (Doctor of Ministry Program, 27 semester hours); + Master of Divinity, Brite Divinity School,
T.C.U., Ft. Worth, Texas 1980; + Bachelor of Arts, Associate of Arts, Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie,
Texas, 1972; University of Texas at Arlington, 1971 (Summer session); Diploma, Mansfield High School 1964.

The Most Reverend Doctor Denis Francois, Metropolitan Archbishop
of the Churches called The Evangelical Christian Church Worldwide (Christian Disciples),Vice President of The Dayspring Ministry
Group and Dayspring Ministries International, Chancellor of Dayspring Christian University
Dr. Denis Francois is also Pastor of Tabernacle De la Fai Church
in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida and is in the process of planting a church in Haiti

Reverend Godwin Booysen) Presiding Metropolitan Archbishop (DMG Apostolic Episcopal Communion Churches
in the Archdiocese of the True Witness (Africa) International headquarters for the DMG - AEC is in Western Cape,
South Africa Archbishop
SYMEON holds credentials with The (ECC) Dayspring Ministry Group and the DMG Apostolic Episcopal Communion Churches;
he was Ordained Bishop in 2011 in Florida, U.S.A... Called into Ministry in 1989, and is Pastor
and father to many men and women who are now in the ministry through his calling and mentoring...

Metropolitan SYMEON, Archbishop (Most
Reverend Godwin Booysen)Prelate of the DMG Apostolic Episcopal Communion., Archdiocese of The True Witness-Africa and Worldwide
+ Special Advisor to Dr. Gary Barkman, on African Affairs
+ Vice President for Southern and South Africa Representation for Dayspring Christian University + Board Member, Dayspring
International Leadership Network, Commander, Dayspring Chaplains.
Education: Honorary
Doctoral degrees of Divinity and earned Doctor of
Psychology (Biblical Model), a Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Therapy from
Dayspring Christian University (USA) and is currently completing a Ph.D in
Christian Clinical Counseling.
He has Military experience (22years) with a specialty in demolition,
parachuting and advanced weapons, and Reserve Chaplain for the past 15 years
(to date); he is also skilled/qualified in Adult Basic Education and Training,
HIV/AIDS Counseling, Treatment and Management; His Previous Professional
Registrations and participation include:
1)New World Mission Dunamis University; Qualification: Distinguished Regents
Professor Rank; Year awarded : 25 October 2005
2) American Association of Christian Therapists; Dayspring Christian University
Associate Professor; Year Awarded: 01 January 2011; License Number: GB716011AP;
Valued Member since 01/Aug/2010
3) The American Academy of Pastoral Psychotherapists & Psychoanalysts (USA);
Qualification: Board Certified Psychotherapist; Year Awarded: 03 June 2010; Registration
number: #10-0010
4) Council for Counsellors South Africa; Qualification: Specialist Counsellor; Year
awarded: 28 June 2010; Registration number: SCO 0422
5) American Association of Christian Therapists; Qualification: Licensed
Pastoral Life Coach; Year: 08/01/2010 to 09/30/2011; Registration number:
6)The Association of Christian Counsellors in SA; Qualification: Specialized
Counsellor; Year: 1 March 2010 to 28 February 2011; Registration number: 6251
7) Natural Healers Association; Qualification: Trainer; Year: August 2010
8) Member of The Board of Directors: Alliance for Children's Entitlement to
Social Security(South Africa) June 2003-June 2009
He has served the ECC/DMI as Assistant to former President of the Council of
Bishops (recruiting many Pastors into the ECC/DMG) and is now serving as
Special Advisor for the Patriarch/Archbishop Barkman on African Affairs, and
was Presiding Archbishop of the Embassy of Faith International from December
2012 to December 2013.
Archbishop Symeon is Vice President for Southern and South Africa
Representation: Dayspring Christian University
CLICK HERE to go to Archbishop Symeon's ministry page

The Most Reverend Doctor Malcolm Patterson, Provincial Bishop &
General Superintendent Emeritus, ECC United States, Executive Vice President, Dayspring Christian University

Most Rev. Dr. Ralph R. Long, Patriarch, Apostle, Archbishop and Founder of World
Kingdom Fresh Fire Ministries International, Incorporated. Dr. Long is Senior
Pastor of two churches, World Kingdom in Baltimore, Maryland and Living Bread Worship Center in
Delmar , Maryland. Educationally,
Dr. Long earned a Bachelor of Science Degree of Applied Psychology and
a Master of Education in Rehabilitation Counseling from Coppin State College in Baltimore ,
Maryland. He has earned a Doctor of Christian Psychology from Jacksonville
Theological Seminary in Jacksonville, Florida. Doctor of Theology by the Dayspring Christian University,
Brookhaven, MS. Additionally, Dr. Long is Chancellor of Fresh Fire
School of Ministry in Baltimore, Maryland. He is a Licensed Master Christian
Life Coach, and is the Founder and CEO of "Life Balance Counseling Services, Inc." Is a Licensed
Professional Pastoral Counselor by The American Association of Christian Therapists. Dr. Long
is a motivational speaker, international preacher and teacher of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ through a powerful anointing that sets captives free. Contact Dr. Long at, World Kingdom Fresh Fire
Ministries, Inc. 2330 McElderry Street, P.O. Box 29395, Baltimore, Maryland 21213. 1.866.639.9466.

Archbishop David Goldman as consecrated a Bishop in a special
service in Phoenix Arizona by Bishop Stephen Jenga in July 2013 Under a mandate from Archbishop Primus and Patriarch
Dr. Gary Barkman. Archbishop Goldman lives in Phoenix, Arizona.
The Most Reverend
Dr. David J. Goldman is
recognized throughout the Universal Church as the Metropolitan Archbishop
Diocese of The Southwest United States
(NM, NV & AZ)
was Enthroned by Patriarch Archbishop Primus Gary
Barkman. In testimony whereof
we affix our hand and the seal of the Patriarch On this 6th day of
September, year of our Lord 2014
Click here to go to Archbishop Dr. David Goldman's Ministry Page

Apostle Bishop Lisa R. Williams was consecrated a Bishop and
recognized as an Apostle in the DMG Dayspring Gathering she attended in June, 22, 2018... Apostle Bishop Williams
lives in Jackson, Mississippi. She is one of Dr. Barkman's advisors and is very involved with DCU and DMG. Bishop Lisa
Williams is Metropolitan Apostle & Vice Chancellor of Dayspring Ministry Group;
(different from Vice Chancellor of DCU)

Greetings Friends of the DMG. We are excited to welcome a member
that in some instances has been a part of this group for over 15 years... Archbishop, Dr. Stephen Njenga ... He was
with us in the far north in Europe when we started DMG and has been with us since then... He was consecrecrated Bishop several
years ago and two years ago was appointed as the Archbishop in DMG serving the great state of Washington. More
information will follow this writing....
Dr. Ngenga has last year founded Northwest International Christian Christian Seminary
(as part of the DCU family) with his first graduation being held last July in Washing State. We noted this gradation
as one of the largest DCU related graduation that has been held... We rejoice with our beloved brother and more info will
soon be added to this short report....
Including the House of
Provincial Archbishops
All bishops of the Apostolic Episcopal Communion & Fellowship, The Evangelical Christian Church and The several Independent
members, active or retired, make up the House of Bishops. The House of Bishops comprises half of the governing body of the
AEC&F, & the ECC, like the governing body of the United States, the governing body of each of the fellowships listed
above. the ECC, and the AEC&F (called “the General Conference”) is comprised of two Houses: the House
of Bishops and the House of Deputies. They meet and act separately, and both Houses must concur to adopt legislation. General
Conference meets every year, and the House of Bishops meets twice a year between conferences in a non-legislative capacity.
The Presiding Patriarch/Archbishop or the Metropolitan Archbishop of a selected particular Fellowship is the president of
that House of Bishops.
A bishop in God's holy Church is called to be one with the apostles in proclaiming Christ's resurrection and interpreting
the Gospel, and to testify to Christ's sovereignty as Lord of lords and King of kings. You are called to guard the faith,
unity, and discipline of the Church; to celebrate and to provide for the administration of the sacraments of the New Covenant;
to ordain priests and deacons and to join in ordaining bishops; and to be in all things a faithful pastor and wholesome example
for the entire flock of Christ. With your fellow bishops you will share in the leadership of the Church throughout the world.
Your heritage is the faith of patriarchs, prophets, apostles, and martyrs, and those of every generation who have looked to
God in hope. Your joy will be to follow him who came, not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many;
(Book of Common Prayer, p. 517).

The Right Reverend Sui Mang, Bishop & General Superintendent,
Myanmar (Burma)

The Right Reverend Dr. Wessel Campbell, Bishop in the
United States

The Right Reverend Doctor Ekeoma Job Obike,
Presiding Bishop and General Superintendent in Republic of Benin, West Africa.

The Right Reverend, Doctor Debra Schmidt, Bishop in North
and Central Texas, President and Founder of Crossroads Bible College & Theological Seminary, Florida. **

The Right Reverend, Doctor Shawn
Patrick Williams, Bishop in Greenwood, South Caroline, Head of Warrior Nations Ministry, Author, Talk show guest. Archbishop-Elect
Shawn Williams is one of our first bishops to become an independent part of the Dayspring Ministry Group. We look forward to working with Archbishop Shawn Williams until the Lord comes for HIS Church.
“Since 2007 I have been working with the ECC/DMI network. It started out with another network and as ministries
do we grew and evolved. We launched a school of evangelism and a network two years ago and God is blessing it. Warrior Nations
Fellowship has grown and our relationship with Dayspring has too. Kingdom groups should grow together, not grow apart. I am
so blessed to have Dr. Barkman helping us and advising us in the kingdom work WNF has embarked on. As I have followed ECC/DMI
protocol in checking in and my giving, God has blessed WNF so much. God blesses order and kingdom principles. The Holy Spirit
has given much confirmation. We cannot do it alone. We need each other Dayspring Ministry Group. I look forward to working
with all of you preparing the way for our Lord!."

The Right Reverend Doctor Jervin Sy, Webmaster, Bishop
in California and Hawaii

The Most Reverend Fino Dlamini, General Superintendent
and Dioscean Bishop, South Africa

The Right Rev., Bishop, Dr. David Francis Ina is the
Presiding Apostle of In His Presence Assembly; The Presiding Minister of the Communion of Young Ministers International; and
convener of the annual Mission Awareness Conference (MACON)… Dr. Ina, his wife Helen and his Mother-in-Law, Dr. Rose
Grace Udzer hosted my visit to Abuja,Nigeria in 2005. David was also the first
Bishop consecrated in Africa, during the meetings in 2005. We welcome him back as one of our DMI Bishops and celebrate his
Ministry he brings to the Dayspring Ministry Group.

The Right Reverend Bishop Mathew Sanchez has been a
part of the Dayspring Ministry Group since 2004. He and his church hosted our first General Conference... and the Spirit of
God did move. Since that time Brother Sanchez has become one of our Envoys to Africa. He brings with him Lighthouse
of Praise International Ministries. Bishop Sanchez has long been a friend of Dr. Barkman and DMI +++ Bishop Mathew Sanchez
passed from this life to life everlasting on December 27, 2018. Here
is my final entry about our friend Bishop Mathew Sanchez’s passing …. He now
resides in Heaven with his Savior…. My
time with Bishop Mat began in 2004 when we were seeking a location to hold the
first Dayspring Gathering in 2004 … My Friend Mat was a man that we loved and
though we had drifted apart due to our moving to Mississippi in 2010 we kept in
touch… We reminisced from time to time about our early years together… My
Brother Bishop Dr. Mathew Sanchez I love you very much and will miss our

Bishop T.Ebenezer Selvaraj is our Metropolitan Bishop in
South India. He applied to DMI through one of our programs to become a Bishop... But after meeting the folks at Conference
he decided to become part of the Dayspring Ministry Group. He has several ministers and churches with his ministry in
India **

We are leaving this Bishop information for a while longer as
a memorial to one we celebrate her going home but saddened at her departure. Bishop Ginger Goldman was consecrated a Bishop in a special service in Phoenix
Arizona by Bishop Stephen Jenga in July 2013 Under a mandate from President, Dr. Gary
Barkman. Bishop Ginger Goldman Lived in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband David. She assisted her husband
with his radio ministry but was an outstanding minister in her own right. She has been used in the prophetic ministry
for many years.

The Right Reverend Anyanwu Pantelion Uwadima was elected as a Provincial Superintendent and Bishop Elect in January 2012. In June
of 2014 he will take his place as a Bishop of the Evangelical Christian Church, Worldwide. He serves a large church
in the Republic of Congo and this year marks his second visit to the General Conference in two years.

Founders and visionary for Africa Evangelical Ministries are
Bishop.Gerald and Missionary Jocelyn Zilahenda who has been led by the
Holy Spirit to establish this Ministry. These
Ministers shared this vision with other pastors from different churches and has
received support to establish this Ministry in Tanzania and the world at large.
The Dayspring Ministry
Group and Africa Evangelical Ministries/Tanzania are now partners in Ministry.

The Most Reverend Doctor William Harrison Ruling Archbishop, DMI
& ACOC. Archbishop Harrison is Primate of the African Old Catholic Orthodox Church **
