Greetings to all... here the Dayspring Ministry Group
is stating our understanding concerning God's
call to men and to women. The DMG teaches that the scripture states that what Paul
was sharing was information
for Husbands and Wives... If you are interested in further comments please send us an email
to aactonline@yahoo.com. We welcome your response to our interpretation of scripture.
We teach that women are called equally as are men

Email or give us a call!

You may pay your offering here by clicking on this |

link. Guest, you may make a donation to DMI, AEC or ECC by clicking here |

The Dayspring Ministry Group Headquarters and most of her Ministries under are located in Mississippi, U.S.A. Some attached
ministries are located in other states and other countries.
Main Mailing / Posting Address)
The Dayspring Ministry Group
P.O. Box 3634
Brookhaven, MS 39603-7634
Actual Headquarters Address
The Dayspring Ministry Group and
Dayspring Ministries International
407 Brookhaven Street, Suite 3634
Brookhaven, MS 39603
Just click this address to send us e-mail:

Or give us a call at our Mississippi office number:
601-320-6704.... Please call it if you have questions.
Fax Number for the Dayspring Ministry Group
and all attached Ministries and groups:
