Application for Ministerial Credentials

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Can't find a fellowship to cover you, your church or ministry?  Consider joining the Dayspring family of ministers. Fill out the following application and send it to Dayspring Ministries International.  You may be ordained through the Evangelical Christian Church (Both Men and Women) or the Apostolic Episcopal Communion # Fellowship (Both Women and Men) or the Embassy of Faith International (Men Only).  If you wish to hold dual credentials you will be given standing with the ECC or the AEC&F with the same status as ordination... If you wish to be ordained through a fellowship you will hold your credentials with Crossroads Ministries, a sister fellowship with DMI. 


Ordination into the ministry through Dayspring Ministries International either by transfer of ministerial credentials or by the "laying on of hands" in a local ceremony under the oversight of a Minister recognized by Dayspring Ministries. All candidates for ordination should hold at least a Bachelor's degree in ministry, Bible, theology, religion, pastoral counseling or a related field from an accredited institution of higher learning recognized by Dayspring/ECC/AEC&F/EFI/Crossroads. Degrees from institutions that are state licensed or approved are acceptable. Life experience may be considered if the appropriate degree has not been received.  Call if you have questions about life experience. 

Unaccredited degrees or those accredited by unrecognized bodies will be evaluated by the Ministry. Honorary degrees may be considered if the candidate has many years of experience.  If a candidate does not hold a degree the candidate is encouraged to enroll and complete the courses of study offered by the Istitute of Theology & Christian Therapy through DMI's education division.   All candidates for first time ordination must pass an exam prepared by Dayspring Ministries, as well as submitting to a personal interview.


Please type or print legibly and fill in completely. You may use additional sheets.

_______ I will surrender my current credentials and wish to be ordained through the Evangelical Christian Church or The Apostolic Episcopal Church. (Please circle one)

_______ I wish to hold onto my current credentials and wish to be ordained through the Association of Evangelical Clergy, which is equal in all ways to being ordained with the ECC and AEC.

_______ I wish to be ordained by a fellowship instead of a denomination.  Please forward my application to Crossroads Ministries.

1. Full Name__________________________________________

2. Address____________________________________________

3. City, State and Zip________________________________

4. Home Phone ____________ Business Phone ____________

5. E-Mail Address ____________________________

6. DOB _____________________ Male _____ Female _____

7. Marital Status_____________________________________

8. Name of Spouse_____________________________________

9. Names and Ages of Children in Home




On separate sheets

10. Please submit a statement of your spiritual journey and why you seek ministerial credentials through Dayspring Ministries/ECC/Crossroads.

11. Where do you attend church?

12. Are you a pastor? Are you ordained? If so, by whom and when? Are credentials still valid ?

13. Please describe your Christian work during the past several years

14. Do you have a secular job? If so, what?

15. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?

16. Are you currently in criminal litigation?

17. Do you oppose abortion except to save the life of the mother?

18. Please detail your post-secondary education

19. List your college degrees and any other state or national licenses or certifications

20. Do you FULLY understand you are accountable to the ECC / AEC / Dayspring and or Crossroads Ministries and that credentials may be revoked for conduct unbecoming of a minister of Christ?

21. Do you FULLY understand Dayspring Ministries International IS NOT legally responsible for your actions?

22. Do you FULLY understand ALL Churches associated with Dayspring Ministries or the Dayspring Ministry group of Brookhaven, Mississippi, are recommended to be  CONGREGATIONAL and SEMI-AUTONOMOUS in government?

23. Do you accept The Dayspring MI or the AECUSA Statement of Faith without reservation or hesitation and also understand as a Pastor your church members are only required to subscribe to the Statement and that you cannot add to the Statement?

24. Do you understand that as an Minister associated with Dayspring Ministries /ECC/ AEC / Crossroads you must allow all within your church to have liberty of conscience in regards to theological beliefs outside the Statement of Faith?

25. Have you read our Constitution and Bylaws and are you in full agreement with them?


Please provide 3 letters of reference from a Pastor, layperson and a friend who knows your ministry attesting to your character, calling and fitness for the ministry and, a letter or official document from a legal entity concerning whether or not you have a criminal record or are currently in litigation. We are specifically inquiring about child abuse convictions.


Please read and sign, if in agreement,

1. I will maintain high ethical and moral values in all my dealings, personally and professionally;

2. I will respect each persons difference in doctrine, style and personality as they follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit;

3. I will always be willing to learn;

4. I will only speak in edifying ways in regards to other ministers, ministries, and the Body of Christ at large;

5. I will treat all with whom I come into contact as I would like to be treated; and,

6. I will support and promote Dayspring Ministries International, the ECC, the AECUSA and Crossroads Ministries in ways the Lord leads me.

Written Signature_____________________________________________

Printed Signature_____________________________________________


All Ministers will be ordained by the [  ]Evangelical Christian Church or The Apostolic Episcopal Church, USA (Please circle one).... unless you wish to hold "dual" credentials ... [  ] you will receive standing with the ECC or the AEC ...or you wish to be ordained by a "fellowship," then you will be ordained by [  ] Crossroads Ministries.

Please print form, complete and send, along with supplementary sheets, copies of all educational degrees, certificates, counseling licenses, licenses to preach, certificates of ordination, letters of reference and, in U.S. funds only, $75.00 (Africa and Asis, $50) donation to help defray denominational expenses to

Please address your application to:

Dayspring Ministries International or

The Evangelical Christian Church or

The Apostolic Episcopal Communion & Fellowship or

Embassy of Faith International

Office of the Patriarch

P.O. Box 3634

Brookhaven, MS  39603-7634


You may FAX your application materials to us and submit the credentialing fee by check or mony order.  We now accept filing fees through PayPal.  Merely click onto the "Contact" page and receive all of the info necessary to make a payment. You may pay with your credit card or through your checking account.  Then you may fax your application and reference forms and all other paperwork to us through the number listed. 
