The Evangelical Christian Church is involved in several ministries with the Dayspring
Ministry Group ...including a counseling, College and Episcopal outreach ministry. Click on the following
links for more information. The Evangelical Christian Church wishes also to affirm those of like faith and calling.
Read further about our ministry of offering credentials to those who are called to preach or serve God in some special way.
Read about equality in ministry for women... that's right women can become Bishops with the Dayspring Ministry Group. Read
our statement of faith, our requirements for ministry and become an ECC Minister.

Click here to go to The Evangelical Christian Church page two (2)
The Evangelical Christian Churches, welcomes inquiries from ministers,
ministries and churches wishing to unite with us and from those seeking ministerial credentials in a Christ-centered,
Biblically sound, Cross teaching, church/association. Ordination is by transfer from another evangelical denomination
or fellowship, or by the "laying on of hands" in a local ceremony. Evangical Christian Church ministers are pioneers
in the creation of local ministries relevant to their specific calling. Many build local base communities for worship and
fellowship. You are cordially invited to contact Dr. Denis Francois, the Metorpolitan Archbishop of the ECC. Through
the DMI headquarters in Texas. for more information, or to submit an Application for Ministerial Credentials
The Evangelical
Christian Church only accepts ministerial credentials from respected, recognized organizations or denominations
for transfer, and credentials purchased from mail order firms will not be accepted. A Bachelor's degree
is required for ordination. One may have a modification here if approved by the Board of Elders. You MUST have
three references and a background report. There will be an interview with one of the ECC Bishops. After
all qualifications are met you will be ordained by one of our Bishops or a Regional Superintendent.

- Many are called to specialized ministry and wish their license or ordination certificate to state such. We license
and ordain: Choir Directors, Education Directors, Musicians, Missionaries, local and foreign, and Church Mothers. The
License or Ordination Certificate shall read as an example, "Minister of Music," or "Minister of Education," Etc. The
Specialized License has five requirements. (1) He or she shall have a call of God on his or her life, (2)
Candidate must be 19 years of age; (3) Be recommended by three persons, (4) One must be actively involved in a local
church; and, (5) The candidate must agree to the giving plan as set forth by the Bishops of the church and promote
Dayspring Ministries International, ECC and AEC (Association of Evangelical Clergy).
This credential is granted to a person who feels called of God to work for Him in some specific field, such as Bible teacher,
Chistian counselor, evangelist or pastor. This credential places a person under a local pastor's authority for a period of
no less than 12 months to learn about ministry and accountability. The Local and District Minister has five requirements. (1)
One must have a calling of God on her or his life; (2) Must be 19 years of age; (3) Living a consistent Christian life; (4)
He or she will have experienced the fullness of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4) with the evidence of gifts for ministry
(1 Cor. 12:4-10, 28); (5) The candidate must agree to the giving plan as set forth by the Bishops of the church and promote
Dayspring Ministries International, ECC and AEC (Association of Evangelical Clergy).
This credential is granted to a person who is called of God and wants to step up to a higher order. With a license
one is authorized to preach, perform holy matrimony, baptize, serve the Lord's Supper, exhort, confirm, and practice
any biblical and religious activity pertaining to the office of Minister of the Gospel, in accordance with respective ordinances
of residence. There are three requirements for License to Preach. (1) The Candidate Must be 21 years of age;
(2) She or he should have experienced the fullness of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4) with the evidence of gifts
for ministry; (3) The candidate must agree to the giving plan as set forth by the Bishops of the church and promote
Dayspring Ministries International, ECC and AEC (Association of Evangelical Clergy).
This credential is granted to a person who has prepared himself or herself for a lifetime of ministry. She or He is certified
and authorized to preach, perform marriages, baptize, bury the dead, teach, confirm, serve the Lord's Supper to
the congregation. Ordination has four requirements. (1) The Candidate must be 23 years of age; (2) The candidate
must be ready to commit his or her life to God's calling until He shall come again. (3) She or He will have experienced
the fullness of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:4) with the evidence of gifts for ministry; (4) The candidate must agree to the
giving plan as set forth by the Bishops of the church and promote Dayspring Ministries International, ECC
and AEC (Association of Evangelical Clergy).
Basic Qualifications
The following qualifications pertain to all applicants
for ministerial recognition:
A thorough understanding of and agreement with
the doctrinal position of Dayspring/ECC & AEC(Association of Evangelical Clergy) as contained in the seven (7) Articles of
A satisfactory working knowledge of the principles,
practices and purposes of the Fellowship through a study of the entities of Dayspring Ministries International and their Constitutions
and By-Laws. These include, The Evangelical Christian Church, The
Association of Evangelical Clergy, The American Association of Christian Therapists, Dayspring Christian University.
An active loyalty to the constitutional agreements,
a cooperative spirit and a readiness to seek and receive the counsel of those in positions of authority.
The same spiritual qualifications shall be expected
of the spouse of those seeking credentials. The Christian lifestyle of the spouse shall be compatible with the standards
of the ministry
Proper Motives
A candidate should be certain that motives are
proper in applying for the recognition of Dayspring Ministries International.
A ministry appointed by the Holy Spirit will prove to be the best credential one can have.
Dayspring, ECC and AEC (Association of Evangelical Clergy) are founded on the principles of voluntary
cooperation. Every applicant ought to feel that the organization of Dayspring/ECC & AEC is the fellowship into which God
has called them. They are to be one with these people and adhere to the same tenets of faith, principles, purposes and practices
as those they now join. They must be one who is committed to the fellowship, willing to not only share in its privilege and
blessing, but to cooperate with its ministries. They must be guided by, and when necessary, accept the discipline and direction
of its leadership

Making Application For Credentials
Contact the ministries office for a Preliminary
Application or print one from the web page. Upon receipt of your application
you will be called for a phone or personal interview.
Subject to compliance with criteria for eligibility,
You may fill out an application from our web page or an application will be mailed to you by the Ministry Secretary, Dwana. Return the completed application, other pertinent forms, recent photo and filing
fee with check made payable to The Dayspring Ministry Group, P.O. Box 3634, Brookhaven, MS 39603. If you send credit card information you may fax your
application or call Dwana at 601.320.6704.
Certified/Specialized Ministers
$ 75.00
License/Ordained $ 95.00
The application will request as
references the name of your pastor, ministers acquainted with your ministry background, friends and employers. All references
should know the applicant well enough to answer a comprehensive questionnaire.
A synopsis of the required examination
for those seeking first time license, along with specific study books will be sent to you to assist you in preparing for the
Most Certified and Specialized
Minister applicants may have to pass a written examination in order to become eligible, depending on past experience. Your Pastor or a minister friend will administer the written examination. The Ministry
Secretary, Dwana will notify you in writing that all your references and materials have been received and you will be
requested to contact the ministry offices and arrange a time and place for the test to be given. Applicants will be asked
to use only their Bible during the examination
Financial Responsibilities
The work of Dayspring Ministry Group, in its program of
developing the spirit of cooperation and fellowship in home and foreign fields, incurs expense, including the financial
support of the national offices. A suggested minimum offering is listed below
for each level:
Ordained - $75.00 monthly
Licensed - $50.00 monthly
Certified - $ 35.00 monthly
Senior Retired - Free-will basis
All credentialed ministers are urged
to give more than the suggested amount, either personally or through the church they pastor. NOTE: In cases where both husband and wife are credentialed,
the second credentialed person shall be asked to contribute a minimum of $10.00 per month.
All credentialed
ministers are urged to give more than the suggested amount, either personally or through the church of which they are pastor.
Annual Credential
Credentials are to be renewed each
year on the form provided annually. They are mailed in November each year and are to be completed and returned to the Dayspring
offices no later than December 31. Ministers should call the Ministries office if they have not received their form by the
first month of the quarter before their credentials are to be renewed. Renewal fees are as follows:
Renewals received after January
1 $45.00
Reinstatement fee if credentials
lapse $60.00
after January 15
Applicants for reinstatement must
complete an Application for Reinstatement provided by the Secretary/Treasurer. If the applicant has been lapsed for less than
two (2) years, they shall be required to furnish three (3) references. If the applicant has been lapsed for two (2) years
or more, they are required to take the written examination according to the status of credential for which they are applying.
Applicants for reinstatement for all levels of credentials may be required
to set up a phone interview
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