Following is more information about The Evangelical Christian
If you have questions please email or call
leaders are too frequently overworked, abused, and overcome by the pressures of ministry and the wounds of people. Ministry
designed to restore leaders to lives of wholeness is a goal of this fellowship. ECC
& AEC intend to provide grace-filled and Bible-based restoration for spiritual leaders who have fallen into sin
or destructive life patterns with the goal of seeing full and complete restoration whenever possible.
A very important
part of our vision for this work is to be involved in a ministerial restoration ministry.
We feel that
God has raised us up to minister to hurting and/or "burned out" ministers. We know what it is like to be hurting due
to others constant criticism, demonic attacks, being kicked while down or just being Spiritually tired.
Sometimes a
minister needs:
- A place to get away
- Someone to talk to
- Someone you can trust
- Someone who won't criticize you
- Just to hear a friendly voice
things are what we strive to be here for.
We do not believe that God has any "Lone Rangers" in His Kingdom. We are to work together to win this world to
Jesus one by one. The point at which a minister thinks that he/she does not need anyone else is tragic.
God did not give the Church a one-fold ministry, but
rather a five-fold ministry. In fact, there are other ministry gifts given to the church besides the five-fold ministry.
portion of the vision of the ECC & AEC is to assist ministers in their call. We know what it is to have a call on
your life and have no one there to provide direction. We know what it is to be down and have no one there to reach out
their hand to assist in getting you back on your feet.
If God called you then He will equip you. It is our goal as
a ministry to help with the training and equipping process as much as possible.
Sharing and Caring
Mission Statement
Pastors and ministers have needs just as every other growing believer in the church does. Those who invest their lives
in caring for others in the local church also need to be pastored, nurtured, and cared for by spiritual fathers. The ECC &
AEC are designed to promote healthy relationships and provide fatherly nurture and care to its members. There will always
be leadership and members available for advice, counsel, encouragement, wisdom, and support. We offer credentials to ministers. This fellowship insists upon the highest level of character,
integrity and ethics
"Bringing ministers and churches into greater
unity with Gods purpose and with one another."
David wrote: "Behold, how good and how
pleasant it is for brethern to dwell together in unity!" (Psalm 133:1)
The Lord likens this "unity" to
the "precious ointment" that flowed down Aarons beard and down "the skirts of his garment" as he and his sons were
anointed and consecrated to the priestly office (verse 2). So, unity allows the anointing to flow to the whole body and blessing
to be commanded.
Jesus, too, elevated unity to a high status
in His priestly prayer in John 17. The deep yearning of His heart for each of us on the eve of His crucifixion was this:
"That they all may be one, as thou,
Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou has sent me."
(John 17:21)
Dayspring, through the ECC, & AEC
is a fellowship promoting greater unity with Gods purpose and one another.
In the unity of Christs Body, the world
will see--and touch and taste and smell the fragrance of Jesus.
ECC Structure
Leaders are crying out for practical ways to be accountable in their lives and ministries. While there are many beneficial methods for accountability to occur, we believe that this fellowship can
provide mutual accountability through ministry relationships. Since we believe
that a fellowship minister or team only has as much authority as is granted by another, accountability will occur best within
the context of healthy relationships.
Paul exhorts us to "be submitted to
one another" (Ephesians 5:21). There are specific ministries given to the Church, we are not to be functioning alone
without supportive relationships.
These relationships include, among other
things, being connected together in common fellowship, helping one another, ministering to one another and being accountable
to one another.
We are all aware of Pauls teaching in 1
Cor. 12 that we are the Body of Christ and that, as part of that Body, each of us has different gifts of the Spirit. It also
follows that, as each part of the Body is under the headship of Christ, we are directly related to each other.
Being related to each other means that no
one is alone. We are not only related to each other, but we are to be responsible to each other. "For no man lives to
himself alone and no man dies to himself alone." (Romans 14:7)
We recognize that God calls people into
individual and unique ministries. We also recognize the autonomy of the local church. It is not our purpose to develop a ministerial
fellowship that in any way interferes with an individuals calling or with the local church. But it is our purpose to develop
a fellowship that can: enable, support, help equip and provide mutual accountability that gives the called ministry integrity
with the Lord and before the world.
Benefits of Membership
Provides a basis for fellowship with like-minded ministers.
Offers equality for women in ministry.
Provides a spiritual covering for you.
Enables performance of legal ceremonies: weddings, etc. which require license or ordination in the United
States, Canada, and worldwide.
Provides access to prisons, hospitals, nursing homes and psychiatric centers.
Provides church organization assistance and conflict resolution.
Furnishes channels for missionary outreach and service to missionaries.
Provides at least two newsletters per year to members.
Counseling for Dayspring members regarding marriage, family, and church matters. This is done through
AACT .. http://aact1995.com
Regional Dayspring MI meetings as announced depending on growth in your area.
A confidential Intercessory Prayer Group available to all members in response to requests for ministry
and personal matters in need of urgent or continuing prayer, usually through the Dayspring Group email.
Online or Teleconsulting regarding structure, legal, accounting, tax, and professional resources available
from various sources.
Consultation and literature regarding Extended learning Bible courses, Bible and theological College,
and Christian professional organizations.
Exchange of ideas, consultation, and networking on ministry-related issues and programs.
Code of
Ethics [see 1 Timothy 3, Titus 1]
an Ordained or Licensed Minister of the Gospel, I fully subscribe to, and support, the Code of Ethics of AEC and Dayspring
Ministries International, as stated below. I furthermore declare myself to be in harmony with the statement of faith and vision
of Dayspring Ministries International. I hereby agree to look to the leadership of DMI for spiritual leadership, advice,
and direction, as it may be needed.
Bible is the foundation of our faith, conduct and service as Christians and as leaders. Christian character and integrity
is the responsibility of each member and should be evident both to the Body of Christ and to the World.
I will try at all times to Be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12)
will try at all times to Have your conduct honorable among the Gentiles: that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your
good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation. (1 Peter 2:12) [see also Proverbs 3:1-10, Micah 6:8]
I acknowledge that the institution
of marriage is to be honored as a sacred covenant by which a man and a woman become one before God and man. It is characterized
by covenant love, loyalty, discipline, and security. The husband is to lead the
wife with self-giving love, and the wife is to adapt to, support, and cooperate
with the leadership of her husband. (Ephesians 5:21-6:4, )
The highest principle of our faith
is to Love one another (John 15:12), and to help one another be conformed to the Image of His Son (Romans 8:29, 2 Corinthians
I will always dedicate myself
to the faithful performance of the ministry to which I have been called and will at all times endeavor to maintain harmony,
Christian unity and accord. (Ephesians 4:1-3, 5:1-2)
I will use my membership solely
to proclaim the Gospel, free of humanistic or secular methods to raise membership or funds. I will refrain from exploiting
the ministry for personal gain. (2 Timothy 4:1-5)
I pledge to give full consideration
to, and seek the best interest of, my fellow ministers of the Association of Evangelical Clergy, both individually and corporately.
I pledge to carry out my ministry,
and help others to carry out their ministries, in a way consistent with these statements.
[For your consideration: scriptures listing
specific behaviors are: Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 13, especially vs. 4-7, Ephesians
Church & Ministry Charters
Dayspring Ministries International will offer charters for churches and ministries
who request them. The church may become a member of ECC and the ministry a member of AEC.
Chartered Churches and Ministries are not required to tithe to Dayspring Ministries, but are encouraged to provide
monthly offerings as a base of support for the operation of the administrative office and the development and furtherance
of benefits, study materials, and support of member ministries in need. All
giving should be done in faith, with a heart of love and a commitment to sowing seed into good soil. (Luke 21:1-4; 2 Corinthians 9:7)
Church or Ministry Charter options are as follows:
1. The church or other ministries may have complete legal
coverage and maintain sovereignty of operation and ownership of their church property.
The church may choose a name and call a pastor or evangelist. The church
should support the fellowship with regular monthly financial offerings. An annual
fee of $50 per year is required along with a completed Application for Church Charter*.
This annual fee is in addition to the ministers annual fee for credentials.
This Charter may be a new church plant by an active ECC or AEC Licensed or Ordained Minister, or an existing church
whose pastor has or has not become Licensed or Ordained through the fellowship, and who desires inclusion into the fellowship
as a chartered church through ECC, AEC and Dayspring Ministries International.
2. The church may have complete coverage as described in
#1 above, except the church property is held in trust by the Dayspring Ministries International. The churches governing officer and supreme authority, under God, shall be the Senior Presiding Pastor
& Archbishop of Dayspring Ministries with the pastor of the church taking the office of presiding Pastor. The Presiding Pastor is ex-officio director and final authority in all matters pertaining to the ecclesiastical
matters of the church. An annual fee of $50 is required along with a completed
Application for Church Charter. This annual fee is in addition to the ministers
annual fee for credentials.
3. The church or ministry whose pastor is Licensed or Ordained
with DMI that desire fellowship member status only with no legal benefits shall be accepted as an Associate Church. There are no enrollment fees for this option.
*To obtain an Application For Church Charter, contact the Dayspring Ministry