The Pictures following are from our work in Pakistan. Ashir Israel is
our Regional Superintendent there. These are photos of their Christmas Service last week. Pakistan is one of our
newer works... But Brother Ashir is working hard there...Pray for the work there... Hopefully in time we will be able to visit
the work in Pakistan.

Brother Ashir Israel |

Seated to the left in the picture |

Brother Ashir Prays for the people |


A Birthday Cake for Jesus |

The Babe ... our Savior |

A few months ago, when Brother Ashir joined ECC Dayspring he sent some clothing
to fulfill the filing fee. He sent two beautiful ties, two men's shirts, and some traditional women's clothes.
Modeling some of the clothing is Mike and Cindy Laperche's Daughter, Alysha. We appreciate brother Ashir sending the
beautiful clothing. This is on sale now at the Ministry store and will be offered at General Conference if not sold before
that time.
