It is with great pleasure that I draw your attention to the certificate just below. This signifies
that the Country of Ghana has officially recognized Dayspring Ministries International. When this occurs the Regional
Superintendent is raised to the office of Ruling Eldere & Bishop. I present to you also our Bishop Steven Jones
in a recent crusade, the "Freedom Crusade" ... Below is his letter to me and details on the pics...
Beloved Bishop Barkman
Below are five classes of serires of photograph taken during the almost two weeks 'FREEDOM CRUSADE'
that was held at Obosomase in the Eastern region[state] of Ghana[for the purpose of evangelising souls for the new church
work over there],as well as in Swedru,in the Central region[state] of Ghana.And the last sunday was a joint sunday service,
where congregational memebers from Obosomase,and congregational memebers from Swedru,came together to have a joint sunday
service,to crown the programme.
The first four classes of series of photographs are pictures taken during the sunday joint service at Swedru,while
the fifth class series of photograph is the pictures taken during the freedom crusade for the new church work,at Obosomase,with
Rev.Ekeoma Job,of Dayspring Benin. In the first class series of photograph,you
will see me[Rev.Steven Jones,puting on a white African dress,with some Dayspring ministers and Elders of the Dayspring church
in Ghana,standing in front of Ghana Dayspring Banner at Swedru.While in the fifth class of the photograph series,you will
see me[Rev.Steven Jones] holding hands with Rev.EkeomaJob,with Dayspring ministers in Ghana,standing in front of Dayspring
Banner at Obosomase[where the new church in being planted].We have several pictures taken while Rev.Ekeoma Job was minstering
but the pictures are not clear enough for pastage.
Certainly,more pictures of gospel events happennings,in Ghana Dayspring will be sent for pastage as we
contunue to proceed,so expect to see more!!My love and prayers always.
Your co-Labourer
Bro.Steven o.o Jones