We wanted all to take a last look at that grand first multi-day Conference in Granbury, June
2004. Here are some highlights

We were proud to see our Conference advertised on the marqui... Below is the
Church sign ... Where we held the Conference

Below: The Most Reverend Doctor Gary Barkman
Archbishop and Senior Presiding Pastor
President, AACT & ICCT

The First Time all three leaders were together
The Right Reverend Doctor Barbara Jones
General Pastor & Bishop, AECC
Archbishop Barkman
The Right Reverend Doctor Malcolm Patterson
General Pastor & Bishop, ECC
Below: Six of those who hold office with DMI and our Host Pastor Reverend
Mathew Sanchez

Below: Reverend Victoria Walters
Saturday Afternoon Speaker
Ruling Elder & Bishop, DMI
National Director, Women's Ministry

Dr. Barkman was speaker Saturday Evening
Below: Dr. Barbara Jones was the speaker for our Sunday Morning Service

Bishop Zeno Darden III
Was our speaker on Sunday Evening
Dr. Darden and 4 ladies traveled from Gary, Indiana to be a part of our Conference...
We have other events planned in the future... In August Dr. Barkman will go to speak at a Graduation at Gary, Indiana
Below: Newly ordained Reverend John Wright
was our speaker for our closing service on Monday morning...

Reverend Steve Price
Sang in Concert all three evenings

Brother Tim McWright and his wife brought a table of Messianic jewelry and other
items to Conference...
Brother Tim blessed us Every day but Monday with his Sax playing and singing...
On Friday before our first meeting and Saturday and Sunday Morning Brother Tim
blew the Shofar signaling the beginning of the Conference and the beginning of each day of Conference...

Above: Top honor received at Conference was to Dr. Barbara Jones... The
International College of Christian Therapy awarded Dr. Jones a Doctor of Divinity Degree for her commitment and service to
Below: One of the other big surprises was the Ordination of John Wright...
The Executive Board voted to break the rule and Ordain John a year before he becomes 21... For his commitment and service
to DMI... Bro. John gives a free website to DMI

Reverend Mathew Sanchez was received by transfer as a Minister in Dayspring...
But we all prayed for him anyway...
Below: Sunday Morning when the Spirit moved during Praise and Worship Bishops
Jones and Patterson were seen Dancing in the Church... PTL

A nice surprise was during the Morning service when Brother and Sister Ogbu,
Regional Superintendent in South Africa, called from South Africa... Brother Barkman took the call during the
worship service... We all gave a Texas Whoop for Brother & Sister Ogbu...
And then it's over... Brother Barkman is here giving the "Sending Forth" just
after the last Lord's Supper... Let's remember what God did here in these three days... But let's also look forward
to next year when it will be a greater Conference.

During Conference there was a bulletin board with many of our Dayspring Ministers,
envelopes from our out of U.S. Ministers... and several flyers from Africa with our Archbishop's picture on them....
We also had a map showing that Dayspring Ministries International is operating
in 29 Countries... As of July 13, 2004 the number has risen to 32 countries in less than two years... WHAT WILL CHRIST DO
