(The Apostolic Episcopal Communion & Fellowship
is in no way attached to the Apostolic Episcopal Church and is not a part of the AEC in any way.)
SMS or email ... We will answer or call

Episcopal Communion and Fellowship
Churches are located in Cape Town South Africa
Main Mailing / Posting Address)
A E C & F Churches, P.O. Box 956, Cape Town, WC, South Africa 8000
Just click this address to send us e-mail: bishopsymeon@gmail.com
Picture below is of Metropolitan Archbishop Symeon

Mobile: +27 764412471
Fax nr: +27 867743504
Actual Headquarters Address:
A E C Churches
The Dayspring
ministry Group 407 Brookhaven Street, Suite 3634, Brookhaven, MS 39603
This number: 601-320-4171 is Our Mississippi office number.... Please call
it if you have questions.
Fax Number for Dayspring Group and The A E C Churches : 877.736.4841
Archbishop Symeon during worship service |

Godwin Booysen, Ph.D., Metropolitan Archbishop, Apostolic Episcopal Communion & Fellowship |
With the Elect Lady of DMG Dwana Barkman |

Dr. Gary Barkman, Ph.D., D.C.C., Th.D., The Dayspring Ministry Group & Dayspring Ministries Internat |
